Bilateral Meetings
- (14.00-16.00) 2022-05-23
DescriptionCompany designing and produce smart horticultiral luminaires and Electric Vehicle Chargers
Organization Type
Budakalász , Szentendrei út 1-3.
Areas of Activities
Agriculture and Food
EV chargers
We offer AC EV chargers for those users who need higher level services (intelligent power management, back end system, etc.) We can also undertake complete installation.
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
- Manufacturing agreement
- Sales / Distribution
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution
Greenhouse luminaires
We offer smart luminaires for greenhouses for lighting tomato, cucumber, lettuce, etc. Our solution for in-door farming is under development. We can also undertake complete installation.
Cooperation Offered
- Technical co-operation
Cooperation Requested
- Technical co-operation
- Sales / Distribution